All of EVAPCO's fill products have been engineered for maximum performance in a variety of cooling tower applications. All bundled fill is fabricated from rigid thermoformed PVC sheets that are solvent welded for maximum strength. The resulting structural integrity enables the fill to be used as a working platform and provides a safe working environment to perform preventative maintenance or service. The lightweight, easy to handle PVC bundles simplify installation thereby saving labor hours and cost. EVAPCO's standard fill products are resistant to UV, rot, fungus, organic/inorganic solvents, acids alkalis and chemicals normally found in cooling tower waters. PVC material exceeds CTI standard 136. The most important factor in a cooling towers performance is the design and condition of the fill media. Replacing a towers fill can greatly improve the thermal performance.

The WIDE-PAK cross fluted fill is often used in factory assembled cooling towers for dirty water applications. The WIDE-PAK fill has 48 sq.ft. of surface area which maximises efficiency while maintaining a wide flute design. When designing around WIDE-PAK, consideration for performance derates should be accounted for.
WIDE-PAK Fill is ideal for towers where:
TSS <100 PPM (<25 PPM where bacterial activity is high)
Make up water is coming from surface waters
Biocidal water treatment program is in use
TDS <5,000 PPM as Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3)
Minimal airborne contamination
No greases, oils, process contamination or fibers

EVX1600 fill is standard installation in all TES/TED and AQXS/AQXD crossflow cooling towers. EVX1600 is a multi purpose fill that can be setup in hanging or glued block arrangement as determined by site installation requirements.
EVX1600 Fill is ideal for towers where:
TSS <25 PPM ( <10 PPM where bacteria activity is high)
Make-Up Water is coming from uncontaminated sources
Biocidal water treatment program is in use
TDS <1,000 PPM as Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3)
Minimal airborne contamination
No Greases, oils, process contamination, or fibers

EVAP-PAK E1200 fill is standard in all factory assembled EVAPCO Cooling Towers and is the highest efficiency fill on the market. EVAP-PAK fill has 69 sq.ft of surface area per cubic foot. EVAP-PAK fill is also known as 1200 fill.
EVAP-PAK Fill is ideal for towers where:
TSS <25 PPM ( <10 PPM where bacteria activity is high)
Make-Up Water is coming from uncontaminated sources
Biocidal water treatment program is in use
TDS <1,000 PPM as Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3)
Minimal airborne contamination
No Greases, oils, process contamination, or fibers
The CROSS-PAK fill is designed to replace OEM hanging fill sheets in factory assembled crossflow cooling towers. The CROSS-PAK fill is custom configured to suit any crossflow cooling tower application, and includes bundles with integrated inlet louvers and integrated drift eliminators when applicable. There is no capacity reduction when replacing OEM fill with EVAPCO's High efficiency crossflow fill.
CROSS-PAK Fill is ideal for towers where:
TSS <100 PPM ( <25 PPM where bacteria activity is high)
Make-Up Water is coming from uncontaminated sources
Biocidal water treatment program is in use
TDS <5,000 PPM as Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3)
Minimal airborne contamination
No Greases, oils, process contamination, or fibers

Mr. GoodTower Australia can design replacement fill kits for all makes and models of cooling tower. Existing fill can be removed and replaced by one of our skilled technical teams in HVAC and industrial work environments Contact your local Mr. GoodTower service center today for a free quotation.
Replacement Kits Available for: